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B.7 Namespace Manager (namespace)

Adds, removes, lists, or displays the configuration of FreeM namespaces, allowing the user to specify all relevant configuration options.


namespace [add | remove | show] [-n <namespace> | --namespace=<namespace>]
namespace list


-h’, ‘--help

Displays a summary of namespace syntax and command-line options.

-n <namespace>’, ‘--namespace=<namespace>

Sets the namespace being acted upon.

-m [inactive | read | write]’, ‘--jnlmode=[inactive | read | write]

Sets the journaling mode for the namespace; ‘inactive’ by default.

-f <journal-file>’, ‘--jnlfile=<journal-file>

Sets the file that FreeM will use for journaling; ‘/tmp/freem.journal’ by default.

-l <locktab-file>’, ‘--locktab=<locktab-file>

Sets the file that FreeM will use for maintaining the LOCK table; ‘/tmp/freem.locktab’ by default.

-z <zalloctab-file>’, ‘--zalloctab=<zalloctab-file>

Sets the file that FreeM will use for maintaining the ZALLOCATE table; ‘/tmp/freem.zalloctab’ by default.

-c <hardcopy-file>’, ‘--hardcopy=<hardcopy-file>

Sets the file FreeM will use when invoked in hardcopy mode; ‘/tmp/freem.hardcopy’ by default.

-p <freem-path>’, ‘--path=<freem-path>

Informs this program of the location where FreeM is installed. You must upply the ‘-p’ or ‘--path’ option if the $freem_base environment variable is not set.

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This document was generated by John P. Willis on October 23, 2020 using texi2html 1.82.