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Kills only the data value (but not descendant subscripts) of a referenced global, local, or SSV (where allowed).


KVALUE:postcondition var1,...

In the above inclusive form, KVALUE will kill the data values at each local, global, or SSV node specified in the list (provided that the optional postcondition is true or omitted), but will leave descendant subscripts intact.

Note The below argumentless and exclusive forms of KVALUE are not implemented in FreeM, as of version 0.6.3, but are planned for a future release.


In the above argumentless form, KVALUE will kill the data values at the root of each local variable (provided that the optional postcondition is true or omitted), but will leave descendant subscripts intact.

KVALUE:postcondition (var1,...)

In the above exclusive form, KVALUE will kill the data values of all local variables, with the exception of those named in the list, provided that the optional postcondition is true or omitted, while leaving their descendant subscripts intact.

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