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5.29 USE

Sets $IO to a particular FreeM I/O channel, allowing READs from and WRITEs to the associated terminal, sequential file, or network socket. Also sets various device parameters.

Syntax (Terminal)

  USE:postcondition io-channel[:(right-margin:input-field-length:device-status-word:position:line-terminator:break-key)]

For terminals, io-channel must be 0.

Semantic and functional description of each device parameter TBA.

Syntax (Sequential Files)

  USE:postcondition io-channel[:seek-position:terminator:nodelay)]

For sequential files, io-channel must be in the range 1-99.

Semantic and functional description of each device parameter TBA.

Syntax (Network Sockets)

  USE:postcondition io-channel

The above syntax will set $IO to io-channel, directing successive READs and WRITEs to io-channel, provided the optional postcondition is true or omitted.

  USE:postcondition io-channel:/CONNECT

The above syntax will set $IO to io-channel, as in the prior example, but will also attempt to connect to the host and port specified for io-channel when it was OPENed. The /CONNECT control mnemonic is only valid for socket channels whose connection type is TCP. Using /CONNECT on a UDP socket channel will throw SCKAERR (error code 55).

For network sockets, io-channel must be in the range 100-255.

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