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Asynchronous handlers are configured through the ^$JOB
SSV. In order to become proficient in writing asynchronous event handling code, you need to be aware of several important concepts:
Event classes denote particular categories of events. These include COMM
, and USER
event classes. At present, only INTERRUPT
events are supported.
Event identifiers denote the precise nature of the event that has occurred. For instance, resizing the terminal window in which a FreeM job is running will send an event of class INTERRUPT
with an event identifier of SIGWINCH
(short for SIGnal WINdow CHange).
Event handlers are M routines or subroutines that can be registered to run when an event of a certain event class occurs.
Event registration is the process of modifying the ^$JOB
SSV to associate a particular event class and event identifier with an event handler routine or subroutine.
Event blocking is the means by which asynchronous event handling can be temporarily suspended. For example, asynchronous events are temporarily and implicitly blocked for the duration of event handler execution, unless explicitly un-blocked within the event handler. Event handling can also be blocked and unblocked programatically from M code using the ABLOCK
The following sections of this chapter will take you step-by-step through setting up an event handler for SIGWINCH
signal handling.
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