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19.2 Namespaces Overview

Configuration and administration of FreeM and the applications it hosts centers around the concept of namespaces, which represent a collection of M routines and globals existing within a well-defined directory hierarchy.

Beneath the FreeM installation directory (typically /var/local/freem) exists a number of subdirectories, each corresponding to a single FreeM namespace.

In the example below, two namespaces have been defined, named SYSTEM and USER. This is a fairly typical configuration, and routines and globals whose names begin with the % character, which are generally considered to be code and data to be shared among all namespaces in a FreeM system, are typically stored in the SYSTEM namespace, while each individual application or related set of applications will be managed beneath another namespace, such as the USER namespace presented below:

|  +- routines
|  |  +- %ZFREEM.m
|  |  +- %ZCOLUMNS.m
|  |  +- %ZFRMXEC.m
|  |  +- %ZFRMSAMP.m
|  |  +- %ZROWS.m
|  |  +- %ZHELP.m
|  +- globals
|     +- ^%SYS
   +- routines
   |  +- MYAPP.m
   +- globals
      +- ^MYGLOBAL

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