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Retrieves a FreeM local node, global node, or writable SSV node.
short freem_get(freem_ref_t *ref);
This parameter is a pointer to a freem_ref_t
struct. The caller must allocate the memory for this struct.
Return Value
Returns OK
on success, or one of the other error values defined in merr.h
This example retrieves the character set of the current process.
#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <freem.h> int main(int argc, char **argv, char) { pid_t pid; freem_ref_t ref; /* get the PID of this process */ pid = getpid(); /* we want to access an SSV */ ref.reftype = MREF_RT_SSV; /* set up the name and subscripts */ strcpy(ref.name, "JOB"); ref.subscript_count = 2; sprintf(ref.subscripts[0], "%d", pid); strcpy(ref.subscripts[1], "CHARACTER"); /* initialize libfreem, using the USER namespace */ freem_init("USER"); /* call libfreem API */ freem_get(&ref); /* output the character set info */ printf("PID %d character set is '%s'\n", pid, ref.value); }
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